Empower your team to create transformative professional learning experiences with our comprehensive facilitator development program. Designed to equip educators with the best facilitator practices, skills, and knowledge, our program focuses on the core areas essential for impactful teaching and leadership.
From mastering adult learning principles to engaging instructional design and dynamic presentation techniques, we cover the spectrum to ensure your facilitators are prepared to deliver research-informed, participant-centered learning.  Areas of development include:

Andragogy Principles

We offer in-depth exploration of adult learning principles, ensuring our training equips facilitators with the knowledge to design and deliver content that respects the autonomy, experience, and self-directed nature of adult learners. Through practical exercises, we translate theory into actionable strategies for engaging professional audiences.

Pedagogical Practices

This area focuses on refining facilitators' teaching methodologies, using evidence-based practices to foster environments that encourage active learning, critical reflection, and the practical application of new knowledge. We cover diverse instructional strategies to address varied learning styles and needs.

Instructional Design

Our approach includes comprehensive training in developing curriculum and learning experiences that are coherent, engaging, and outcomes-focused. Facilitators learn to align educational materials with objectives, leveraging assessments to reinforce and evaluate learning.

Presentation Skills

We enhance facilitators' presentation abilities, focusing on effective communication techniques, audience engagement, and the use of technology. Participants practice delivering content with clarity and impact, ensuring they can captivate and maintain the attention of their audience.

Engagement Strategies

Our training emphasizes interactive and participatory learning strategies to maximize engagement. We introduce techniques such as collaborative projects, discussion forums, and simulation exercises, all aimed at fostering a dynamic learning environment.

Feedback and Assessment

We stress the importance of ongoing feedback and assessment, training facilitators to implement mechanisms for measuring learning progress and adjusting instruction accordingly. This includes formative and summative assessment techniques, peer review, and self-assessment.

Technology Integration

Recognizing the importance of digital tools in today's learning environments, we prepare facilitators to seamlessly integrate technology into their practices. This includes using learning management systems, digital resources, and online collaboration tools to enhance learning and engagement.

Diversity and Inclusion

Our program prioritizes the creation of inclusive educational spaces that acknowledge and celebrate diversity. Facilitators are trained to adapt their methods to suit diverse groups, ensuring all participants feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute.
For more information about our PL Facilitator Development programs, contact us here.